0318 - NOTIFIED BODY (UNDER DIRECTIVE 93/42/EEC Medical devices)

Name and address of the notified bodie
Responsible for the following products
Responsable for the following procedures/modules
Annexes/articles of the directives

Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
Direccion General de Farmacia y Productos Sanitarios
Paseo del Prado, 18-20

E - 28014 Madrid

T : 00 34 15 96 40 22
F : 00 34 15 96 44 00
Email :

All active medical devices :

Full quality assurance
EC verification
Production quality assurance
Product quality assurance

Annex II
Annex III
Annex IV
Annex V
Annex VI

0318 - NOTIFIED BODY (UNDER DIRECTIVE 90/385/EEC Active implantable medical devices)

Name and address of the notified bodie
Responsible for the following products
Responsable for the following procedures/modules
Annexes/articles of the directives

Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo
Direccion General de Farmacia y Productos Sanitarios
Paseo del Prado, 18-20

E - 28014 Madrid

T : 00 34 15 96 40 22
F : 00 34 15 96 44 00
Email :

All active implantable medical devices

Full quality assurance
EC verification
Production quality assuranc

Annex II
Annex III
Annex IV
Annex V

site - http://www.hosmat.fr - dernière mise à jour : 10 janvier 2000